Saturday, October 10, 2009


Maddox is eight months old. Can't believe it. He is such a cut-up and loves to laugh and be funny. He still has 6 teeth-no new ones this month-so we haven't had to deal with any teething lately. He sleeps 4-6 hours at a time at night, takes a bottle, and goes right back to sleep. Things are pretty easy right now, although I am not looking forward to flu season. Maddox has had a few colds with a runny nose, but that's about it so far-fingers crossed. Mark is taking the next two weeks off for vacation and we will be sure to have lots of fun and are planning a trip to Kirksville to visit friends and a trip to Elephant Rocks also.
Maddox eating the rubber tablecloth at Ruby Tuesdays-yummo!
Asleep at The Home Depot-oh how he loves shopping for power tools.

Looking cute in his hoodie and sweat pants-can't wait to get bundled up for his first snow.

First time at the river. Loved the water on his toes.

My sister Becky and her fiance Daniel visited from LA this month. We had a great weekend and we even went to Republic's Pumpkin Daze along with Sherry and Kyle. Maddox got to see a huge pumpkin and a miniature horse. Mark and I tried fried Oreos (I think I'll stick with Oreos and milk from now on) and brought home the mandatory bag of kettle korn. We also got to see the tricycle tractor pull and we will be starting Maddox's tractor pull training program ASAP for next year.