Thursday, May 14, 2009

Maddox tried his first bite of rice cereal this week. Not sure if he actually ate any, but we had fun blowing raspberries in it anyway. Look at those "Zoolander" lips (as my sisters would say)!

Monday, May 4, 2009


Our little guy turned 3 months old April 29. Everyday is a joy as Maddox discovers something new. Most recently he has learned how to put his toys in his mouth and loves to look at his fists as he holds them up and then sticks them in his mouth too. He can get his whole fist in there. He has rubbed most of the hair off of the back of his head and is now sporting a mohawk of sorts. Maddox is finally sleeping longer at night and will sleep anywhere from 3-6 hours at a time, much to my delight. He likes to fall asleep sitting in Mark's lap in the recliner during the evening news. We are having a lot of fun and we are looking forward to spending more time outdoors as it is getting warmer.