Monday, July 27, 2009


Maddox is now 6 months old. He is getting more teeth-this time on the top-which means he is officially on the bottle full-time (yeah for me and mine)! Unfortunately for Mark, this means he gets to take some of those nighttime feedings (again, yeah for me)! Maddox is eating tons! It's really just ounces, but that's not quite as exciting. He loves his baby foods, especially pears and squash and oatmeal with apples and carrots and...... He is also starting to drink a little water from a sippy cup, although he pretends he can't hold the cup when I'm around.

Maddox stays on the go when he is home. He loves his walker that his Auntie Sherry got him. He pushes himself backwards and in circles and is just figuring out how to walk forward. Just yesterday he started "fake coughing" when he wants a little attention from his Daddy who quickly responds with, "Goodness!" or "Poor baby." Maddox also enjoys laying on his back or standing up and wiggling side to side while we sing "shake your booty." He rolled from his tummy to his back last week for the first time (at the sitters of course), but hasn't rolled onto his tummy yet without a little help. I guess that 85% head of his doesn't help.

Having fun and staying busy!
Mark, Melissa, and Maddox

Photos from our walk at the Nature Center in Springfield.


I hate it when he sleeps like this, but I don't dare move him when he's taking a 2 hour nap.Saturday Morning.
Kicking it in bed with Dad watching Muscle Car TV.
No need for a rubber ducky.
Maddox keeps himself occupied.

Having fun in his walker making motor sounds and pushing himself in circles.


Mark and Mini Mark (also affectionately know as Maddox) showing off their tough sides. Maddox is wearing a muscle man shirt his grandparents brought home from a recent trip to Venice Beach where they visited my sisters.

Friday, July 3, 2009


Baby's first fireworks. Maddox loved them and didn't cry or even jump at the loud ones.