Wednesday, June 24, 2009

5 Months and Counting

Maddox is turning 5 months old. What a little sweetie! He now has his two bottom teeth and he is constantly rubbing them with his tongue or his finger. He has been drooling like a madman and loves to blow bubbles in his baby food. He is seriously thinking about turning over onto his tummy, but hasn't accomplished it quite yet. We spend our days playing in the floor and sitting in his Bumbo chair. We have also been swimming in my brother and sister-in-laws pool just down the street. That has been fun and Maddox loves to try and drink the pool water. He like to be on the go and wants to see what everyone is doing. He is also wanting to try a bite of everything Mark and I are eating, so he has been trying tiny tiny bites of some "big boy" foods-mostly fruit and potatoes and scrambled eggs. The most exciting news is that he has decided to take a bottle!!! What a relief for everyone! He is even taking a bottle from me during the day and I even think he likes it better than nursing 'cause there's more and he can drink it faster. Every day there's something new to learn about him and his little personality is blossoming more and more.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Maddox turned 4 months old May 29. He is so much fun and everyday gets better and better. Maddox is getting his two bottom teeth and is constantly chewing on his chubby little finger (or he's planning to take over the world-not sure which). He continues to refuse to take a bottle for the babysitter or his Granny Reiners or Mark (except for the occasional bottle that he'll gobble down just to keep things interesting), so he's been eating more solids and trying new things. We've tried rice cereal, bananas, sweet potatoes, apple juice, and water with a spoon.
He is pushing 15 pounds and is outgrowing his bassinet. Looks like he'll be moving into the big boy crib in his nursery in the next week or two. Hopefully he'll still sleep well. Right now he only wakes up at 1:30am to eat and then goes right back to sleep so he can rise and shine at 6:30.

Maddox posing for some pics with Grandpa Aldridge's old car-forgive me Jim for not knowing the make, model, or year-but isn't that little boy cute!